Знаете ли вы, что "баюшки-баю" дословно означает "байки рассказываю" ("плюшками балуемся")?
Cossack Cradle-Song. The refrain Bayushki-bayu means literally "I tell the story" but is used simply as a lullaby.
Это из примечаний к антологии русской поэзии в английских переводах, изданной в Лондоне в 1943 г.
Translated into English by various hands
and edited by C. M. BOWRA
Translated into English by various hands
and edited by C. M. BOWRA
Скачивается на Грейлибе.
Например, вот эту песню я слышал несколько раз:
THE sun on the steppes is sinking,
And gold is the distant grass.
The convicts' fetters are clinking
On the dusty road as they pass.
но не знал, чьи слова, думал - народные.
А вот:
PATRIOT I am, but in so strange a fashion
No reasons of the mind must rule this passion.
(Люблю Россию я, но странною любовью...)
A SOLITARY sail that rises
White in the blue mist on the foam, -
What is it in far lands it prizes?
What does it leave behind at home?
WITH fainting soul athirst for Grace,
I wandered in a desert place,
And at the crossing of the ways
I saw a sixfold Seraph blaze;
He touched mine eyes with fingers light
As sleep that cometh in the night:
Let us drink, my friend, unshrinking
Helper in young manhood's pain.
Where's the cup? Grief calls for drinking!
Hearts will now be glad again!
I CALL to mind a moment's glory.
You stood before me, face to face,
Like to a vision transitory,
A spirit of immaculate grace.
'TIS time, my friend, 'tis time! For rest the heart is aching;
Days follow days in flight, and every day is taking
(Пора, мой друг, пора! Покоя сердце просит...)
Для русско-английских и англо-русских поэтических переводов это не редкость, но всё же приятно: сами видите - все переводы - в рифму и в размер!

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