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суббота, 12 февраля 2011 г.

Кто такие John Doe и Richard Roe?

Чем отличается ape от monkey, а ржавчина от коррозии?


Apes and monkeys are often confused and the terms are sometimes used synonymously. However, while both are primates, they are completely different classes of animal.

While they’re often called monkeys, chimpanzees and gibbons are actually apes, as are gorillas and orangutans.

Most monkeys have tails while apes do not.

Apes, meanwhile, have more teeth than monkeys do and eat both meat and vegetation.

В общем, ape = ЧЕЛОВЕКООБРАЗНАЯ обезьяна, а monkey - простая, начисто лишённая какого бы то ни было благородства.

Rust is a specific type of corrosion that occurs only when iron is present.

Ржавчина - подвид коррозии.


John Doe is traditionally the name used for an unknown party in legal actions. In such cases, if a second name was needed, Richard Roe was used (doe being a female deer and roe being a species of European deer). If third and fourth names were needed, John Stiles and Richard Miles were used. The female equivalent of John Doe was Jane Doe, while the name Mary Major was also sometimes used.

Джон Доу и Ричард Роу - дальние родственники наших Иванова, Петрова и Сидорова:

- Иванов.

- Я!

- Петров.

- Я!

- Сидоров.

- Я!

- Вы что, братья?

- Никак нет, товарищ прапорщик, просто однофамильцы.

Хотя в суде у нас говорят "неустановленные лица". Некто А и некто Б сидели на трубе...

Это все из книги: What Did We Use Before Toilet Paper? by Andrew Thompson

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