Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
0 zero | 5 fife |
1 wun | 6 six |
2 too | 7 seven |
3 tree | 8 ait |
4 fower | 9 niner |
Why 'niner' and 'fower'?
- Why do the 2 numbers 9 and 4 have to be pronounced as 'niner' and 'fower' respectively on R/T?
- Fower I think is obvious, if pronounced normally, it can be mistaken for "for". Niner I dunno about.
- 9 could be mistaken for the german equivalent No!
- So how do the Irish manage with 3 and tree:confused:
- I guess not a problem since "tree" isn't a common word in aviation R/T.
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